Thursday, 20 October 2016

1G,2G,3G, 4G, now 5G: India takes early call

The all over the World Want to Communicated every  one and introduced a 1g Mobiles in 1980s
its Should only use full for a to Communicated through over the voice but not to a SMS Services
and its Gives a 2.4kbs speed /second

In 1990 they Thought This Speed not Enough to Communicated long Distance a People then They Introduced a 2G in 1990  Due to Using of a System we can Easily Communicate With SMS  also
when Compare to a 1g in speed its a lit bit Increases 64kbs speed/second

In 2003  the people want to a Communicated with a MultiMedia Then Introduced a 3g  services
it is a very fast when compare to both 1g and 2g  in speed  2mbSpeed/Second

In 2009 the  people want Communicated more faster than the 3gservices then they Introduced  a 4g services in a 2009 its should be a Increases a more Speed when Compare to a another Services the Speed of  a 4g is a 100mb/second

India Wants a Grab 5g Technology as Early in 2020 only  A Research team of Governmemt already doing a 100 Patents in that 10 already Sucessfully Completed due to 5g We Can Increases Speed of a and its is  a Wire less Network  Not only  a Speed and also a Connect a Billions of  Devices  like a Driver less a Cars Through Internet

   The Government of a India is Allocated a 36.51 Crores of Rupees in September 2015  The  India Want to Develop a Fast When Compare to a another a countries it Should be a Gradering a 5g very fastly  it Should be Said by a Kiran a Professor of a Department of Electrical Engineering at Indian Institue of Technology(IIT)  and research part of his allocated in IISc Banglore, IITBombay, IIT Hyderabad,added that they Except to file a lot more patents in tje next few years

 The Research team a Should be a jointly Packed a Simulators and Technology Prototype due to developing of aproject with a 5g Standards

It Minnister Ravi Shankar Prasad said to generated  a IP Protocal tp INIDA Bragging a Power
"One -Fifith  Cost telecom Sector paid Patent Holder So Thats Why a set a Your Own IP Due to a Incentivise Domestic Manufacturing and Reduce a Costs , INDIA Should a Garrabage a 5G Techonoly after two years The Over Government in China and UK Pumping Money in 5G

5G  trails are done by aAccros the World  of a Variety Players By Using of a telecom Sectorlike Ericsson,Orange and tech players like Google and Samsung shown interested in 5g trails

5G is a More Speed When Compare to Another Services 5G Speed is a 1 Gigabit per second to Several Devices at Once.Now a Days the 6.4Billions People Interesting 5G in Now a Days
it Should be a Increased up to a 20.8Billions in 2020

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