Friday, 21 October 2016

Google Glasses


Google Glass are ready to change the way you look the world.It will be  adding a more Functionality to our boring World. This glasses having a more features like a high-resolution camera,mobile connectivity,gyroscope, glasses are not just a glasses,It is  the Intelligent device which has all future possibilities.
If you  just Want any product information just u will scan a barcode of that product with your google glasses then we will get a  full product Details.You  No need a carry a Mobile Phones when you wearing a google glasses just connect with a mobile operator which will full fill a Mobile Phone as you watching  google maps in front of your eyes.

Due to using  a Google glasses we are just enjoying it. we no need to a take mobile phones back once we connect it we can click a photo with getting  option click  we can call it we can listening to music watching  movies all over what we have one in mobile phones just we done by a google glasses .we will connect  a google glass by using a Bluetooth  

And Finally we can get  Output as per as shown above 

See the new feature:-Google's driver less car


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