Saturday, 22 October 2016

3D Printing Work

What is 3D Printing?

3D printing is converting  a creating  physical object from digital design. Here we can have a different types of a 3D printing technologies all are follow a same Principle. a digital model turned in to a Solid three-dimensional physical object by adding a material layer by layer. Every 3D print starts as a digital 3D design file-like a blue print-for a physical object.

The First 3D Printer

A Brief History of 3D Printing
This  Concept is being develop around a 30 years .Chuck hull is describe a concept a in 1983

3D Printer Sales

The printer sales are increasing a day by day and year by year  we given a clear information on a graphical manner as shown below

 3D Scanners

3D Scanners use a Different technologies to generate a 3D model.

3D modeling software

3D modelling software also comes in many forms. this software key(license) is very expensive but its work a many thousand of a years, bt also it's in open source software like Blender.

From 3D model to 3D printer

wecan have to prepare a 3d model to 3d printed then it is called a slicing. Some times 3d model can be sliced from with in a  3d model software  application. when 3D model sliced we are ready to feed  a 3D printer.when file is uploaded in a 3D printer the object is ready to a printed by a layer by layer .

Vat Photo polymerisation

A 3D printer is based up on a vat photo polymerisation method has a container filled with a photo polymer hardness with a UV light source 

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